Ognen Antov

Severní Makedonie

Ognen Antov


Ognen Antov is CEO and founder of film production company “Dream Factory Macedonia", currently working as a producer of feature films and documentaries. In past 10 years he has been working also in various TV and radio projects (TV & Radio shows, commercials, music videos), advertising & political campaigns, organizing events etc. His Films include:: • “The Seamstresses”- Best documentary Sarajevo film festival 2010, • “Mission London” – Official competition Moscow international film festival, • “Tobacco girl”- Dokumentarfilmfestival DokuFest Prizren; Official competition: FIPA Biarritz, France; Zagreb DOX, Croatia; Int. Ethnographisches Film Festival Göttingen, Germany; Int. Ethnographisches Film Festival EURORAMA Trentino, Italy; Int. Dokumentarfilmfestival für Menschenrechte ONE WORLD, Prague, Chezh Republic; Int. Kurfilmfestival Ljubljana, Slovenia; Int. Ethnographisches Film Festival Etnocineca, Wien, Austria; Int. Dokumentarfilmfestival ASTERFEST, Macedonia; Int. Kurzfilmfestival, Krakow, Poland Int. Short Film Festival, Palm Springs, USA; Int. Int.Short Film Festival Circiuto OFF, Venice, Italy • “Grandmothers of revolution”- ZAGREBDOX 2007 Best movie of young director; Aster fest 2007 Official competition Best movie; IDFA 2006 Official selection;• “Years of solitude”- Special Prize 9/11 Film Festival Prishtina, IETFF Monte Carlo 2007 Official competition; Aster fest 2007 Official competition• “45”- Manaki Brothers 2005 Kodak special prize• “Stay’n up right”- Sarajevo film festival 2005 Official competition• “Wake up”- Manaki Brothers 2004 Kodak special prize
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