David Bohun


David Bohun

producent, režie

Movements of a Nearby Mountain

Movements of a Nearby Mountain

In a remote, abandoned industrial site near a centuries-old ore mine in the Austrian Alps, a self-taught mechanic runs a business exporting used cars to his native Nigeria.
Are You Sleeping, Brother Jakob?

Are You Sleeping, Brother Jakob?

Four brothers on their journey into the past. It´s a way of memories, after their fifth brother had died - starting in the Austrian mountains and ending up in Porto.


Už od časů proroka Mohameda se pravověrní muslimové řídí hlasem muezzina, tedy služebníka mešity, který je pětkrát denně svolává k modlitbě. Moderním jevem v muslimském světě je volání po soutěži, v níž by se každý rok…
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