Anna Blawut-Mazurkiewicz


Anna Blawut-Mazurkiewicz

režie, producent



Zosia je silná osobnost, Oskar je zranitelný a Kinga je samostatná, ale plachá - tito prvňáčci nastupují do internátní školy pro nevidomé a slabozraké děti.


She ran away from home for him. He broke away from his traumatic past for her. They've been inseparable for 11 years. Their first child is born... “Newborn” is a film about a love that can change lives.
How to Destroy Time Machines

How to Destroy Time Machines

How to Destroy Time Machines is a film for your ears. It focuses on Jeph Jerman, an Arizona-based experimental musician, his passion for sounds, and his unique perception of the world.
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