David Power


David Power

sales agent, režie

Dream Trip

For a boy like Alex the walls of his tiny flat in rural Campulung-Muscel, Romania are simply too restricting. He is one month away from turning 18, he has great enthusiasm and a passion for dance. He also has down syndrome.
His mother Mariana travels with him for 24 hours to take him to a summer camp in Iasi.
Alex meets friends he hasn’t seen in a long time and is particularly excited to reunite with Zaki and her son Muki.
After a very busy two days, mother and son return to their small flat and everyday life. Mariana is exhausted, Alex is suffering.
Will Zaki keep her promise to visit him on his birthday?

Where I End And You Begin

It’s been fifteen years since Mariana ran away from her violent husband, carrying only her eight year old son Alex, who has Down syndrome. Since then, she has dedicated her life to single handedly taking care of him, with no support from the institutions whatsoever.
As Alex graduates from high-school and Mariana’s already critical financial situation worsens, mother and son try to escape their harsh reality by moving to a seaside town, but only end up isolating more and more. When Alex shows signs of a violent predisposition, Mariana is faced with an excruciating dilemma: commit her son to the institutions that have failed them and maybe never see him again or keep him locked up at home, sedated and with the risk of him hurting her or himself or even worse...
Exploring loneliness, trauma and co- dependency, Where I End And You Begin is an intimate family story carrying deep universal themes.
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