Duro Gavran


Duro Gavran

režie, producent

Big Day

Svatba, to je výjimečná životní událost. Ke tradiční svatbě je třeba detailní a dlouhodobá příprava. Ve filmu je vidět, co všechno jsou mladí lidé ochotni udělat, zaplatit a že nestrpí kompromisy, pokud se jedná o jejich vlastní svatbu. Trh se vyvíjí a vzkvétá právě na základě vzrůstajících požadavků. Jsou lidé, kteří zrealizují vaše svatebnní sny.

One of Us

Fifteen years after high school graduation, former classmate gathers to celebrate the anniversary. They talk about school jokes and mischiefs, but also about classmates who did not join the reunion. Some had private, while others had business reasons why they were not there. One classmate sent a shocking life confession. She fled to the other end of the world, far from the horror she was going through her entire life. None of us noticed the brutal abuse she was experiencing during the four years at the school.

The film follows a group of people trying to find a way to talk about the fact that shocked them.
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