Labyrint světa a ráj duše
"Labyrint světa, raj duše" je film o hledání štěstí. Štěstí se snaží nalézt každý z nás, ale nikdy nevíme, kdy jej dosáhneme. Tento příběh vypráví o lidech, kteří žijí ve světě plném starých legend a ztracených pokladů. Je to svět za běžným horizontem, temný a pochmurný, ale zářivý a svůdný pro ty, kdo chtějí věřit.
Mluvící města
Existují dva typy měst. Ty, které přetrvávají, neboť svými změnami inspirují naše touhy. A ty, nad nimiž touhy vítězí a ničí je. Města dnes obývá většina evropské populace. Naši předci je pomalu formovali po staletí. Jak jejich dědictví formuje nás? A co zanecháme my potomkům? Nechceme žít v muzeích, ale ve městech příjemných, přátelskýcch, zkrátka obyvatelných. Vytvářet architekturu nejen estetickou, ale i etickou, která obstojí v čase. Touhy však bývají vrtkavé a hranice mezi kreativitou a destrukcí křehká. Film o Praze a dalších historických městech. O dialogu mezi minulostí, přítomností a budoucností. Dialogu mezi domy a lidmi. Mezi pamětí a tvořivostí. Mezi ambicemi a pokorou. Mezi kameny budov a neustále plynoucí řekou.
Cesta do nemožna
General Milan Rastislav Štefánik died at the age of 38. In his life, he had managed to travel all over the world. He had climbed Mont Blanc six times. He had built several observatories all over the world; he had organized the first Czechoslovak army, which he led. He had met many significant people of his time - scientists, artists, and politicians. The story of his life is often hard to believe as it reminds an adventure book. It seems unreal that a man from a poor family and with weak health could have achieved what he did. Despite his successes in the field of science and diplomacy, many of his contemporaries considered his main goal - independent Czechoslovakia - to be an utopia. He eventually succeeded in achieving this but he did not live to enjoy the laurels and glory. He died in a tragic plane accident close to Bratislava on May 4, 1919.
Unlike "classical chronological" documentary, which would inform the audience about Štefánik's life, list all his achievements, and build "an audiovisual monument", THE IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE (and its “Méliésque” name should show this) aims to explore Štefánik's personality - many of his friends and acquaintances said that he was a "mysterious man". They had to admit that they only had known very little about him. He enjoyed talking about his experience and adventures, he entertained people by his travel stories, showed them his photographs, or souvenirs from his travels. However, he was only showing them the "surface" of things.
The "impossible" in the film title does not refer only to his great goals that he had achieved or the places he had visited. The "impossible" also refers to Štefánik himself - his nature, his philosophy, his life credo, his vision - utopia, which he had been trying to achieve, and which drove him further.
Unlike "classical chronological" documentary, which would inform the audience about Štefánik's life, list all his achievements, and build "an audiovisual monument", THE IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE (and its “Méliésque” name should show this) aims to explore Štefánik's personality - many of his friends and acquaintances said that he was a "mysterious man". They had to admit that they only had known very little about him. He enjoyed talking about his experience and adventures, he entertained people by his travel stories, showed them his photographs, or souvenirs from his travels. However, he was only showing them the "surface" of things.
The "impossible" in the film title does not refer only to his great goals that he had achieved or the places he had visited. The "impossible" also refers to Štefánik himself - his nature, his philosophy, his life credo, his vision - utopia, which he had been trying to achieve, and which drove him further.