Sára László


Sára László


It's Her Story

Liberální politička převrátí svůj život naruby, když se přiblíží ke svým 40 narozeninám. Změní práci, sexuální orientaci, rozhodne se adoptovat romské dítě z vyčleněné komunity. Mluvit o životě na okraji společnosti ale není to samé jako na okraji žít.

Don't Worry, Sari!

I lost my Mum 11 years ago, which was a huge trauma in our family’s life: for me, my Dad, my brother, and my cousin. Her absence created emotional blocks we all had to deal with. I decided to follow the changes in our family dynamics with my camera because I believe that the right and dedicated attention has a healing effect.
The film touches upon social taboos, such as mental health issues of men, changing gender roles in our societies, coping with loss, and transgenerational heritage.
It is a situative documentary that involves the story of 3 generations of Hungarian men and me, a passionate filmmaker trying to save them. It operates with different audio-visual tools: scenes from the present, sound bites from our family chat, dreams, and family archive recorded since the 1980s.
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