
Productive International Invest SRL

Str. Lunga 124, Apt 7a
Brasov, RO


Productive International Invest SRL

O společnosti

Our approach to documentary filmThe "observational" documentary film technique (also known as cinema verite, fly-on-the-wall or direct cinema) can be best described as "capturing the extraordinary in the ordinary" -- in other words observing daily life and showing the extraordinary things that go on right under our noses. This approach is related to the study of anthropology, in which people are observed over a long period of time. In practise, the filmmaker chooses a character to portray, gets to know them and the people they interact with, follows them around and builds up a portrait that is as honest as possible. The art is in choosing an inspiring character who can communicate naturally in the presence of a video camera.The observational technique avoids voiceovers, interviews and special effects. If done in the right way (with empathy and patience but without irony) the results can be extraordinary. But getting it right is surprisingly difficult -- even though it seems incredibly simple.Fortunately we work with one of the best makers of observational films in Romania, Laurentiu Calciu. Laurentiu studied documentary in Britain's prestigious National Film and Television School (NFTS) in Beaconsfield. Laurentiu has made films in the Scottish highlands, the Greek islands and in Belgrade during the NATO bombing campaign. He won numerous awards for The Land is Waiting.Commenting on a film we made about British aid in Russia, our Russian translator said "I have never seen true Russian life depicted in such a compassionate and realistic way".It is rare for a filmmaker, or cameraman, to be able to film a scene from real life without influencing what is going on. And to make an ordinary scene “come alive” requires a certain magic that few posses.


Productive International Invest SRL

Str. Lunga 124, Apt 7a
Brasov, RO
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