
The Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival

Uzgorod, UA


The Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival

O společnosti

The Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival (CMIFF) presents six days of epic, ground-breaking movies, documentaries and video content set in or based on the theme of mountains.
It is also a platform where film fans and filmmakers from around the world can meet, share ideas and get inspired amid the unique atmosphere of Ukraine’s most beautiful region.

The film festival was founded in 2020 by representatives of the Transcarpathian Film Commission, namely Oleksandr Meryavchyk, Vyacheslav Yegorov and Dmytro Hreshko, to draw the attention of the film industry to Transcarpathia and revive film production in the region and promote the mountain region.

A unique festival atmosphere to inspire mountain fans and everything connected with them!
Everyone is welcome!


The Carpathian Mountain International Film Festival

Uzgorod, UA
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