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Ex Oriente Film East Silver East Doc Platform KineDok East Doc Series Ex Oriente Series Český dokument

Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Karavana

Silver Eye

Cena Silver Eye

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

East Doc Interactive

East Doc Forum

East Doc Market


Co-Production Booster


East Doc Series

Ex Oriente Series

Český dokument

Panel připravovaných českých dokumentárních filmů

Katalog českých připravovaných dokumentárních filmů

Večer s českým dokumentem

Vyberte aktivitu

Ex Oriente Film East Silver East Doc Platform KineDok East Doc Series Ex Oriente Series Český dokument

Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Karavana

Silver Eye

Cena Silver Eye

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

East Doc Interactive

East Doc Forum

East Doc Market


Co-Production Booster


East Doc Series

Ex Oriente Series

Český dokument

Panel připravovaných českých dokumentárních filmů

Katalog českých připravovaných dokumentárních filmů

Večer s českým dokumentem


Terra Incognita Films

Terra Incognita Films is a Tbilisi-based independent film company, founded in 2019 by three friends - Nato Sikharulidze, Giorgi Mukhadze, and Giorgi Kobalia. They came together after working in different film industry fields and established a company to…

Croatian Audiovisual Centre: International Co-Production…

The Croatian Audiovisual Centre provides funding for documentaries. The funds aim to develop talent and broaden the quality, range and ambition of Croatian film projects. The call for applications for International Co-production Scheme (i.e. minority co…
Spojené království

BFI Documentary Production Fund

Organized by: British Film Institute
The BFI Film Fund is committed to supporting documentary filmmaking, and specifically documentary films with theatrical potential. In recognition of the greater volume of applicants with theatrical documentary proposals, the current industry interest in…

Sunny Films

In 2018 Tsisana together with Georgian director Ketevan Machavariani won the main award at the Civil Pitch competition at CineDOC Tbilisi 2018 for the project “Sunny” and created the production house called Sunny.
Spojené království

Climate Story Fund

Organized by: Doc Society
The Climate Story Fund supports stories and impact campaigns from around the world that move us closer to a climate just and biodiverse future. The global fund is open to all mediums, and will support both production and impact campaigns that are ready…
Spojené království

BFI Doc Society Features Fund

Organized by: Doc Society
The BFI Doc Society Fund aims to develop storytellers from all parts of the UK, backing feature projects with bold cultural and social ambitions. We can support: Any stage - Development, Production, Completion First time filmmakers Hybrid forms Multi…

ReAnima: Bergen International Animation Festival

ReAnima is the annual international festival for animated films in Bergen, the second largest city of Norway. The festival emerged as a response to the increasing need to give the city a space in which to interact with animated art in all its variations,…

Film in Focus

Film in Focus | International Film Festival opens its doors to film professionals, art cinema lovers and debut artists alike who want to showcase themselves in the industry along with their unique and individual ideas. As an international festival, our…
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