Femme Brutal
A naked female body stepping on a stage with self-confidence and autonomy is still a highly political, radical act. Through their queer-feminist performances the seven artists of Club Burlesque Brutal demand the...
Holky gangsterky
Jsou uvězneny mezi tripy na heroinu a krádežemi s maketami pistolí, mezi bláznivými nakupovacími výlety a hlubokými depresemi. Učí se angličtinu a vězeňský slang. Touží po náhražce štěstí propašované do cely a pak?…
Roque Dalton, Lets Shoot the Night!
Roque Dalton (1935-1975) is the most important poet of El Salvador. His life is an adventure story, his poetry an exciting shower of sparks in the realm between political utopia and sensuality, between revolutionary…