
Safi Oy

Tsahkalluoktantie 48 toim 2
kilpisjärvi, FI
telefon: +358 405 475 330


Safi Oy


Dear Mother

Dear Mother

Tasha is a Lapp girl, trapped in a Russian orphanage. Her biological mother hopes to have her returned home. The orphanage plans instead to adopt her to a Russian stepmother.
My dear Mother

My dear Mother

Dasha is a girl with two mothers and three secrets.
Olga - To My Friends

Olga - To My Friends

In the Russian part of Lapland, some 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) north of Moscow, winter temperatures dip down to the negative double digits. It’s as white as the eye can see here, and there’s hardly a human being to…
To Kill a Reindeer

To Kill a Reindeer

Po třicet let žili ruští Laponci pod sovětským režimem. I přes to, že jejich zdroje byly omezené, dařilo se jim dobře. Dnes se ale snaží na laponské území expandovat velké zahraniční firmy, aby využili přírodní zdroje,…
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