And we'll be happy again
Non available yet.
The film about a marriage of two different people from two different places. She is from Nigeria and he is from Poland. When their baby will born some problems will grow.
Fuck, it's Biology
Fuck, it´s Biology is an intimate portrait of a famous Polish contemporary artist seen through the lens of his Swedish and not so famous filmmaker girlfriend.
“Dziadek” is an intimate portrait of a man as he faces the trials of old age with devotion and spirit.
90-year-old Krystyna lives in the tiny apartment surrounded by books and writing pads. That’s remarkable in itself since Krystyna is almost blind, but that doesn’t stop this still vital woman from writing...
Naše prokletí
Vodní víla Ondine seslala podle legendy na svého nevěrného milence kletbu, která mu zakazovala usnout – spánek pro něj znamenal jistou smrt. Tzv. Ondinino prokletí (syndrom kongenitální centrální hypoventilace) je…