Dokument Milena je příběh Mileny Pavlović Barilli (Požarevac, Srbsko 1909 - New York, NY 1945), slavné malířky, ilustrátorky, designérky a básnířky. Jde o inspirativní film o jejím extraordinerním životě, unikátním…
![Who Framed Kaktus Kid? (working title)](/storage-lucina2/0d6c109a-ba8b-4fcb-ab73-929d675df383.jpg)
Who Framed Kaktus Kid? (working title)
Aleksandar Zograf a renowned cartoonist investigates into the life and death of another cartoonist, the author of a Disney-styled comic Kaktus Kid, who was killed at the end of the World War II because of his drawing.