
Zeppers Film & TV

Ruysdaelkade 223 BG
1072 AW
Amsterdam, NL
telefon: +31 206 758 594
fax: +31 206 793 929


Zeppers Film & TV


Love is Potatoes

Love is Potatoes

A Dutch filmmaker is given an inheritance of six square meters of a small, wooden house in a village outside Moscow. She embarks on a journey back into the secrets of her mother’s Russian past.
Oleg Klimov: Letters to Myself

Oleg Klimov: Letters to Myself

For twelve years, the war photographer Oleg Klimov has documented the disintegration of the Soviet Union. He was present at almost all conflicts and ethnic tensions in the 90s. His photographs appeared on the front…
Water Children

Water Children

Režisérka Aliona van der Horst se rozhodla sledovat nekonvenční holandsko-japonskou pianistku a umělkyni Tomoko Mukaiyamiovou, jejíž dílo se zaměřuje na téma ženství a plodnosti. Mezi jedno z jejích děl patří například…
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