
Belarusfilm Studios

Nezhalezhnasci Av. 98
Minsk, BY
fax: +375 172 640 751


Belarusfilm Studios


As Is Their Wont

As Is Their Wont

Pozvolné plynutí času v tradiční běloruské rodině. 3 generace žijí ve vesničce Starina s devíti malými dětmi a zdravotně postiženým dědečkem, pěstují okurky, žení se a vdávají...
Wooden People

Wooden People

Mikalaj is an old man and the only inhabitant of a village in the biggest forest of Europe, Belavezhskaya Pushcha. This place was teeming with life once, but since then all the other people have either left for the city…
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