IDF Traces at Visions du Réel in Switzerland

13. 4. 2016

Author: Zdeněk Blaha

The popular Swiss documentary film festival, Visions du Reel, begins on Friday, April 15. The programme, particularly acclaimed for its specific selection of highly creative documentaries, brings the traditional international competition sections as well as the overview of the fresh Swiss documentaries, but also the retrospectives of Dominic Gagnon or the Lithuanian director Audrius Stonys.

Two films that were presented within the East European Forum will be premiered within Visons du Réel: Wall of Death, and All That  by Mladen Kovačević and The Dazzling Light of Sunset by the Georgian director Salome Jashi. We are pleased that the feature documentary A Mere Breath that had been developed under Ex Oriente Film workshop and presented at East European Forum in 2010 made it to the main competition. Two other former participants of Ex Oriente Film, AGFA 1939 and First Pole on Mars will be presented in Nyon within the Doc Outlook International Market.

During the festival, a specialized activity, id w - interactive documentary workshop is organized, which focuses on transmedia and interactive documentaries and also closely cooperates with Doc Tank programme as its partner. At East Doc Platform 2016, the interactive documentary workshop Award was given to the Polish project by Ana Brzezińská The Future of Forever, which is now, thanks to the scholarship included in the award, heading for Nyon as well, to be further developed under professional guidance. Thanks to the mentioned mutual cooperation between id/ w and Doc Tank, the delegates of Institute of Documentary Film, Zdeněk Blaha and Miriam Ryndová will present the award and scholarship for the Doc Tank 2017 workshop to one selected project from id/ w.

Should you want to meet the Institute of Documentary Film's representatives in Nyon, you can contact them at:

Zdenek Blaha / zdenek@dokweb.net
Miriam Ryndová / miriam@dokweb.net

Visions du réel, Nyon, Switzerland
April 15 to 23, 2016
More at: www.visionsdureel.ch

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