Czech Docs... Coming Soon will showcase selected Czech upcoming documentaries during East Doc Platform (EDP). Creative teams will present their projects to invited international professionals, mainly festival representatives, distributors and sales agents. The aim of the presentation is to allow the Czech producers to present and then discuss their nearly finished films with a potential for international distribution or launch at a foreign festival. The event is supported by the Audiovisual Producers´ Association (APA) and organized in cooperation with Czech Film Center (CFC). The presentation will be held in English and will be moderated by film consultant Tue Steen Müller (DK) (
Following projects will be presented to the international expert audience:
When the War Comes / Až přijde válka (CZ/HR, 2017)
The Russian Job / Švéd v žigulíku (CZ, 2018)
Wilder than Wilderness / Planeta Česko (CZ, 2017)
Pepik the Czech Goes to Poland in a Quest for Love of God / Český Pepík jede do Polska poznat lásku k Bohu (CZ/SK/PL, 2018)
Mečiar the Movie / Mečiar (SK/CZ, 2017)
The presentation will be followed by Project Market, pre-scheduled individual meetings of producers with international producers, sales agents and representatives of TV broadcasters, festivals and funds. Also here we can meet two Czech projects: Nothing Like Before / Nic jako dřív (CZ, 2018) a Passengers / Pasažéři (CZ, 2017).
One of the pillars of the EDP is the East European Forum, where directors and producers have a seven-minute presentation where they explain their project to the professionals. They propose their projects for co-production, pre-sales, distribution and other forms of financial support and cooperation. Czech representatives at the East European Forum will be Satanic Girls (CZ, 2017) Testosteron Story (CZ, 2018), The Sound Is Innocent (CZ/FR, 2018) and Lust for Life / The Tap Tap - Postiženi muzikou (CZ, 2018).
During the EDP, a development lab Doc Tank offers an opportunity to meet selected transmedia projects (themes that can be extended to more than one platform) and socio-eco-political projects with an activist approach and the potential for social campaigns. Czech production represents Constructing Putin / Vytváření Putina (CZ/NL, 2018) and Girl Missing (CZ, 2017).