East Doc Platform is an annual event organized by the Institute of Documentary Film where documentary filmmakers from Central and Eastern Europe meet and consult their projects with experts from around the world. EDP bridges the East and the West, bringing together filmmakers across countries and continents.
This year’s edition will openly address the rise of nationalism and totalitarian tendencies in these countries and the attempts to curb critical voices in the media and free documentary filmmaking which are perceived and, to a varying degree, faced by the filmmakers. The theme of “NEW RESISTANCE” refers to the documentarists‘ unwillingness to conform, to comply with regimes tending towards totalitarianism, with a society that is turning fascist. Do you want to learn more about the impact of totalitarian tendencies on the life and work of documentary filmmakers? Come to Prague‘s French Institute on Tuesday, March 6 at 4 pm and attend a panel discussion with interesting guests.
In cooperation with the DAFilms, we have prepared a selection of the most interesting documentaries made thanks to East Doc Platform. The films include festival favourites as well as an Oscar nominee and will show you a unique film region. Explore it with us!
The selection of films that underwent East Doc Platform includes Rabbit a la Berlin which was nominated for the Academy Awards. The film deals with rabbits that went wild and live an undisturbed life within the Berlin Wall. Family Meals uncovers (dysfunctional) family relations during a family dinner. On the contrary, in Village Without Women, three men would like to start a family but have no one to start it with. You can also watch an intimate portrait of a paedophile, Daniel’s World, which addresses the delicate issue of a minority sexual orientation in an unbiased way. The film was shown at the prestigious Berlin IFF.
Watch all the documentaries from the East until March 11, 2018!
East Doc Platform (EDP) will take place between March 3 and 9 in Prague. Most events will be held at the Cervantes Institute (Na Rybníčku, Prague 2). The programme held in English will be open to the public. Free entry.