
Some women only learnt to care for their children in prison, says the director of “Mamma from Prison”
8. 9. 2017

Some women only learnt to care for their children in prison, says the director of “Mamma from Prison”

CZECH DOCS Interview
The Evening with Czech Docs will involve a preview screening of the feature film, Mamma from Prison. The observational documentary is mapping the phenomenon of motherhood in the prison environment.
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Daliborek, Jágr as well as Tarzan as new features in East Silver Caravan
5. 9. 2017

Daliborek, Jágr as well as Tarzan as new features in East Silver Caravan

East Silver Caravan included three new films in its selection to be supported by festival service.
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I wanted to show Czech audiences a singer who was not to be mentioned even in whispers in Czechoslovakia for 30 years, says Olga Sommerová
5. 9. 2017

I wanted to show Czech audiences a singer who was not to be mentioned even in whispers in Czechoslovakia for 30 years, says Olga Sommerová

CZECH DOCS Interview
On Thursday, September 7, Czech cinemas start showing the Červená feature film describing the remarkable fate of the world-famous singer, Soňa Červená.
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Three Czech documentaries to reach the cinema theatres
1. 8. 2017

Three Czech documentaries to reach the cinema theatres

Three new Czech documentaries are heading for the cinemas in the months to come.
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Food waste exists even in Europe’s poorest countries, says the director of Wastecooking
31. 7. 2017

Food waste exists even in Europe’s poorest countries, says the director of Wastecooking

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization a third of all food produced worldwide is thrown away. In Europe, this is equivalent to 89 tons of groceries per year. How can we stop this waste?
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East Silver Caravan News: Rakijada at the competition in Riga
18. 7. 2017

East Silver Caravan News: Rakijada at the competition in Riga

The documentary film Rakijada by Ilić Nikola was selected to the International Short Film Competition SHORT RIGA 2017 at Riga International Film Festival. The screenings will take place from September, 13 - 16th, 2017 in Latvia.
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I want the scenes to allow you to breathe, says Nikolaus Geyrhalter
17. 7. 2017

I want the scenes to allow you to breathe, says Nikolaus Geyrhalter

The first session of Ex Oriente Film workshop was hosted by Austrian director Nikolaus Geyrhalter, who had created a visually extraordinary film Homo Sapiens.
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Two films from East Silver Caravan competing for Heart of Sarajevo Award
14. 7. 2017

Two films from East Silver Caravan competing for Heart of Sarajevo Award

The Sarajevo Film Festival is an international event with a special focus on the region of South-East Europe. On the list of films competing in the documentary section are included two titles from the selection East Silver Caravan.
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A glimpse into the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival programme
30. 6. 2017

A glimpse into the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival programme

The 52. Karlovy Vary International Film Festival is just starting today. As in previous years, organizers have not missed the documentary genre and two anticipated premieres are included on the programme.
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5 October: South American premiere in Lima
26. 6. 2017

5 October: South American premiere in Lima

The7th edition of the Lima Independiente International Film Festival will run from June 30 to July 9 in four Peruvian cities and at various venues in Lima. Thanks to the East Silver Caravan, 5 October will receive its South American premiere.
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