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Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Caravan

Silver Eye

Silver Eye Award

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

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East Doc Series

Ex Oriente Series

Czech Docs

Panel of Upcoming Czech Documentary Films

Catalogue of Upcoming Czech Documentary Films

Czech Docs Evening


Found 7619 films
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At the Wailing Wall or in the spotlight of a stage, wearing a Zorro costume or a designer dress, solemn or rollicking: crossing the threshold to the adult world can take place in very different ways. This film…
Zoryana Horobraya

Zoryana Horobraya

A coming-of-age story of a young woman having to choose between her loved ones.


No one remains unscathed after being confronted by the power of the steppe.
Zula from Chechnya

Zula from Chechnya

A story about a doctor and her two sons who had to escape from Grozne because of the war, enables us to look deeper and in a more universal way at the problems of refugees applying for asylum; the difficulties of people…
Zurawski v Texas

Zurawski v Texas

Women denied abortions in Texas despite life-threatening circumstances join forces with a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the state, aiming to restore reproductive rights for themselves and others.
Zuzana Michnová: Regarding Fame I Can´t Complain

Zuzana Michnová: Regarding Fame I Can´t Complain

A feature-length documentary film about the singer-songwriter Zuzana Michnová. Best known for her long-time collaboration with the folk band Marsyas, 63-year-old Michnová still tours the Czech Republic to perform to…


“Zvicra” (which means "Switzerland" in Albanian) highlights the complexity of lost and rediscovered identities in Switzerland, a country that is destined to adapt to ever-increasing population arrivals. The film tackles


It takes 20 minutes on foot to get from the town of Nikola-Lenivets to the village of Zviszhi. Nikola-Lenivets is the site of Arkhstoyaniye, a most fashionable festival of landscape objects. Zviszhi is the place where…
Τhey Talk About Worship Here

Τhey Talk About Worship Here

A band from Corfu becomes famous throughout Greece, receiving both admiration and derision. This is the fascinating story of Kore. Ydro.
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