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Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Caravan

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Silver Eye Award

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

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Ex Oriente Series

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Found 7360 films
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Small Fort Terezín 1994 - Jiří Sozanský's Performance

Small Fort Terezín 1994 - Jiří Sozanský's Performance

During the Second World War, in the town of Terezín (Terezinstadt), there was a ghetto where the Jews from all around Europe were imprisoned. The Gestapo's political prison was in the "Small Fort" (Malá pevnost) near…
Small Instruments

Small Instruments

This is a documentary about Small Instruments, a music group, and at the same time a story about the great passion and love for the world of sounds. It presents the process of creation of an unique music album, which is…
Small-Town Movie

Small-Town Movie

Always empty, small town cinema is living its last days. Before each screening, the projectionist and the cashier hold their breath, spying on the shades whether anyone tends to stop by. And the last day has come…
Small Victorious War

Small Victorious War

Dalian is a flourishing Chinese city with two million inhabitants. It is a jewel for tourists. It was a Russian town once, called Dalny (literally, Far City). Russian used to sound on these streets. Russian ladies and…


The promises that can't be fulfilled.
Smiling Georgia

Smiling Georgia

Elderly population of village No Name is left teethless after a failed 2012 pre-election campaign "Smiling Georgia". Will their lives change as new promises and guarantees are made to them in sight of 2020 elections?
Smiling Woman

Smiling Woman

A story about Kihnu - a remote island somewhere in the Baltic Sea and its women - strong, beatiful and always smiling.In spite of the pressure of modern progress, they have kept alive their ancient traditions. But for…
Smog Wars

Smog Wars

Following the historically smoggy Polish winter of 2016/2017, a Warsaw father of an asthmatic son searches for answers about why air pollution continues to be a major problem in Poland.


A house burned down sixteen years ago, yet the smoke remains.
The Smoke

The Smoke

Once removed from his primordial surroundings, a man doesn't stop longing for them… In order to revive this relationship, an old man persistently repeats performing a ritual of his own, full of strong primeval symbolism…
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