Behind the mighty eighteenth-century wall of the oldest enclosed convent in Poland - Benedictine convent in Staniatki, near Krakow - the life of twelve nuns in their 70s goes on. Despite their age and the world of rapid change, they try to comply with the rule set over ten centuries ago ‘ORA et LABORA’ each day. Our protagonists – nuns Anuncjata and Benedykta (40 years in convent) – introduce us to the world behind the wall telling us about their lives and decisions in a specific way. They show us the world of convent in true colours, without stereotypes, often touching and amusing at the same time. This is the film about silence said aloud.

14. 1. 2019
White World, Amour and War at BIDF 2019
Budapest International Documentary Festival (BIDF) will show from January 28 to February 3, 2019 in its competition East Silver Caravan titles and Silver Eye nominees. The theme of its 5th edition is "Naked truth on the film screen".
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4. 10. 2018
Silver Eye Award 2018 nominations unveiled
For the 10th time the Institute of Documentary Film will give Silver Eye Award to the best documentaries from Central and Eastern Europe at Ji.hlava IDFF. Find all about the nominated films and international juries.
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