79 min


Jiři Trnka - A Long Lost Friend

Jiři Trnka - Nalezený přítel

Directing: Joël Farges


Joël Farges, a French filmmaker in his 60s is looking for a destiny of his favourite film from his childhood. It was a Prince Bayaya by Jiří Trnka. He saw it when he was about eight years old and now he would like to show it to his children. Trnka’s films were once known and popular in France.
His career peaked when the Cold War raged between the East and West blocks. Leftist western intellectuals were amazed, his films were narrated by Jean Cocteau and Richard Burton. Trnka’s films won prizes in Cannes and Venice and he became the most valuable export article for the totalitarian communist regime.
The film tells a story of an extraordinary artist who has unintentionally signed a deal with a devil and puts Trnka’s work into the context of tragic events of the 20th century.


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