
70 min


EM and HE


Directing: Vladimír Michálek


This documentary, free of any censorship or even self-censorship, is dedicated to two unconventional artists and friends from Litvínov. Em Rudenko, a non-conformist Ukrainian construction worker, poet and alcoholic, is an author of absurd and sexually tinged poems from the working-class environment. Xavier Baumaxa is an original performer, poet and an underground bard. In his work he parodies every possible genre, caricatures celebrities and ridicules more or less everything.

The film director Vladimír Michálek followed both of these artists for more than two years on their journeys between their concerts, on the travels from one bizarre place to another and shot many of their performances, concerts and parties. The film features the most famous songs by Baumaxa: the grotesque 'ethno' Pozitiff Peopula, an anti-Nazi ballad Nazijazz and others.

The film captures also an inter-genre project with the dumb-show called Silent Love and it presents previews from the ironic show Opičan Havel or a performance with Radim Hladík, Dan Bárta and Lenka Dusilová. A film about booze, cigarettes a ramble to and secret gig.
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