A great distance. Two thousand eight hundred fifty-two kilometres between Brno and Diveyevo, between the East and the West, between father and son. Far away, so close. At the end of summer holiday Vít and his son Grisha set off for a long journey to Russia. As soon as they get in the car, son puts his headset on and father immerses himself into memories. Still the two cannot escape one another. But there is one thing that can bring them close once again – a joint search. But what are they actually searching for?

7. 11. 2019
IDF at IDFA 2019
Both IDFA Forum and competition programme included several titles, which are part of various IDF activities. Docs For Sale offered twelve East Silver titles. IDF also prepared Drink with East Doc Platform.
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18. 10. 2019
Czech pattern at DOK Leipzig and IDFA
The Institute of Documentary Film brings Czech and co-production films at DOK Film Market & Videolibrary during DOK Leipzig (October 28 – November 2, 2019) and also at IDFA Docs for Sale (November 22–28, 2019). Find out more.
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10. 6. 2019
Czech Documentaries at the 54th KVIFF
Czech films the 54th Karlovy Vary IFF. What are the names of participating Czech and Slovak filmmakers that are eagerly awaited by the local media every year?
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