
60 min

In development

We Need to Talk

Musimy porozmawiac

Directing: Jedrzej Michalak


We are looking for people who will record conversation with their dead loved ones. Ones who will create a kind of video-selfies while talking about their feelings related to death and upload them to us via online platform. We will raise a public discourse around that activity, and finally we will select some of the recordings and edit a documentary (60’) based on them.

These are some examples of stories we look for:

Omar’s older brother, Samih, was killed in a war. Samih always wanted to keep Omar away from violence, he was protecting him. Before dying, Samih forced Omar to promise him not to take revenge and to take care of his family. Omar fails to control the anger in him and keep the promise. He is preparing a revenge. While regularly talking to his dead brother, Omar explains his doubts and decisions.

Felix and Josephine’s daughter, Monika, survived only one day. They try to find relief in religion. It is still very hard for them to accept what they see as „God’s decision”. To make it a bit easier, the couple speaks to Monika about what hopes did they have concerning her. They also share the hardest moments of the present, how difficult it is to see Felix’s brother having a baby too – a healthy and strong one. After few months Felix finds it harder and harder to speak to Monika, he wants to move on. Josephine does not want to stop the conversations.

Yifan is twelve years old. Two months ago her father died in an accident in a factory. She is now the head of the family, since her mother died a couple of years ago. Everything is fine: she takes care of her younger brothers, she works as good as her father would want her to. Yifan feels strongly the presence of her father and that helps her a lot. She always tries to think what he would do. Usually he is right.
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