“The Island of Freedom” delves into the vibrant world of Taiwanese political activism and art expressed by both Taiwanese and international protagonists based in Taiwan who have experienced totalitarianism as part of their personal or family history and are using various tools to express their life experience and capture the complicated situation in one of the hottest region in the world that may soon suffer from another military conflict.
Through personal stories of five protagonists who all meet in Taipei to play a war board game “2045” simulating an annexation of Taiwan, the film is focusing on the questions to find one's own freedom. Each of the characters are using their own artistic means of protests or voicing their opinions.They are gradually introduced during the process of playing a board game simulating an attack on Taiwan by the Chinese Liberation Army, the game playing process will give them a space to share their own stories.
The players are: a Taiwanese writer Chu Yu-hsun, an author of a powerful dystopian novel “2047”, Taiwanese political cartoonist Stellina Chen who is an author of a animated book based on her grandparents experience of the Japanese occupation, Hongkongese multi-disciplinary artist Kacey Wong who escaped Hong Kong in 2020 and found an exile in Taiwan, Ukrainian Alex Khomenko who fundraises money tirelessly for more than 2 years for his fellow citizens back home in Ukraine and a Czech political photographer and owner of a Czech political pub Divadlo, Karel Pícha.
The film is a testament to the enduring spirit of a people who refuse to be silenced, who are active and creative and want to speak out. Through this compelling narrative, the film aims to amplify the stories of those who continue to fight for a better tomorrow, reminding us all that the spirit of resistance knows no borders.
Through personal stories of five protagonists who all meet in Taipei to play a war board game “2045” simulating an annexation of Taiwan, the film is focusing on the questions to find one's own freedom. Each of the characters are using their own artistic means of protests or voicing their opinions.They are gradually introduced during the process of playing a board game simulating an attack on Taiwan by the Chinese Liberation Army, the game playing process will give them a space to share their own stories.
The players are: a Taiwanese writer Chu Yu-hsun, an author of a powerful dystopian novel “2047”, Taiwanese political cartoonist Stellina Chen who is an author of a animated book based on her grandparents experience of the Japanese occupation, Hongkongese multi-disciplinary artist Kacey Wong who escaped Hong Kong in 2020 and found an exile in Taiwan, Ukrainian Alex Khomenko who fundraises money tirelessly for more than 2 years for his fellow citizens back home in Ukraine and a Czech political photographer and owner of a Czech political pub Divadlo, Karel Pícha.
The film is a testament to the enduring spirit of a people who refuse to be silenced, who are active and creative and want to speak out. Through this compelling narrative, the film aims to amplify the stories of those who continue to fight for a better tomorrow, reminding us all that the spirit of resistance knows no borders.