87 min


Pirating Pirates

Pirátské sítě

Directing: David Čálek


The film reveals the plight of Somali pirates, mostly former fishermen, who as a result of the global fishing industry can no longer make a living from the sea as they once did and have to join up with pirate cartels in order to feed themselves and their families. It is the only work available to them in this politically failed country. Over the past 15 years in Somalia, there has been no functioning government, no state structure and thus no protection of the coastline against illegal fishing. International fishing concerns have left the Somali waters, once some of the richest in fish in the world, basically a dead sea. Without the existence of any real restrictions, these large fishing vessels have basically stripped the seas of all living species. So much so, that even in the adjacent waters of Kenya and Eritrea, local fishermen have also noticed a considerable loss of fish. But for the Kenyan fishermen, the result has not been as fatal as it has been for their Somali neighbors... But do the Somalian pirates tell us the truth?
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