This & That was founded in 2008 by young producers and filmmakers who wanted to make both creative projects after their own hearts and offer production services to local and foreign productions. A little bit of this, and a little bit of that. Traveling…
This human world initially began the same year which commemorated the 60th anniversary of The Universal Declaration on Human Rights. In 2008, it became the first film festival of its kind in Austria. As a prominent member of the International Human…
This Is Short is a collaborative project by the European Short Film Network. It is a central access point for mainly European short films: with joint programming, shared programs, and one common gateway to the online presentations of four European film…
Thomas Edison Film Festival (TEFF) is a touring festival with a serious, abiding commitment to the short form. We seek out and celebrate independent short work under 20 minutes, and from 21-60 minutes, with special consideration for short films. Not a…
Filmová a produkční společnost Three Brothers, s.r.o. byla založena bratry Vladimírem, Borisem a Igorem Krištofovými v roce 1991 a navazuje na úspěchy skupiny scénického šermu Kadeti. Tři bratři během své více jak dvacetileté historie realizovali přes 80…
The Threshold Foundation looks to support documentaries that address the most important issues facing the world using a plan of action that is powerful, innovative, and unexpected.