Ondřej Vavrečka

Czech Republic

Ondřej Vavrečka

editor, director, script writer, director of photography, sound editor

Personal Life of the Hole

Personal Life of the Hole

"Personal Life of a Hole" relates to the current situation of (western) people. Holy hole, what to do with all these holes? The film responds to contemporary issues of ecology, economics, culture, and finally love, too.
Potentia dei

Potentia dei

We hear in the film: DE POTENTIA DEI is hard to translate. Maybe it could be interpreted." And we add: maybe it is enough just to see DE POTENTIA DEI. Film on film.
Ultimum Refugium

Ultimum Refugium

"Ultimum refugium" means “the last refuge” where we can hide when conditions are averse. That is our most fundamental position and a departure point of this project. Secondly and consequently, it is a film-collage…
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