Ondřej Vavrečka

Czech Republic

Ondřej Vavrečka

editor, director, script writer, director of photography, sound editor


Documentary musical film. Accompanied by a dance of not many people, acquired by not many people, because many people suppose that thay know. The film is the essence of shape resemblances, similarities, isomorphies: spies resebmle polypores, ground plan of a rotunda looks like a ground plan of a water pump, rotunda is similar to the twins of yellow boletus, art is similar to the grants, a monkey to the scuplture of a boy withdrawing a thorn from the sole of his foot, sniffing resembles smoking, Charlie Chaplin looks like a smuggler etc. The film Isomorphy depicts a real story of public clerk Jana K., who quits from serious reasons her stable work for our country and sets out for the journey to the unsure existence. So everything must start on the way to the cemetary. Like a rolling stone!

In Between the Trees

A film about the ten most important words: kingdom (10), foundations (9), victory (8), gratitude (7), reconciliation (6), grace (5), forgiveness (4), wisdom (3), understanding (2), and a shining crown (1). The film is set in the contemporary reality of the Czech kingdom whose head – Václav Havel – just died. One of the protagonists, Zdeněk Neubauer claims that despite the fact we have reached the end of history and are now temporarily suspended in a state of anticipation, a new beginning may actually never come. This kingdom houses two main protagonists, Boris and Johana. At a time of uncertainty, they would like to create new foundations. Each in their own way, they look for an expression of love. They go through the list of important words that are projected onto the screen of our consciousness. In the end they reach the Sun.

Noah's End / So What, The End

A documentary feature film based on the principle of analogy dealing with the theme of the end: death, the end of the world, extinction, no way to go, passing of things...The film is carried on by the story of Noah who was chosen, built an ark and collected all animal species. I'm travelling around the Czech Republic, Europe and Africa. In Egypt, the biggest Czech war ship is being built; in Poland, a president is being buried. The best view of the dying Europe is from the other side of Gibraltar. In Bratislava, a clock is counting down the time left till the end of the world. A Chinese writer says the end will not come with water but with sand that is to bury our cities. A Free Mason teaches us about death. Carnivals, ritual dances, etc. Observing, I wonder. What does it mean to be chosen? What happened to plants during the flood? What about books? How come we know antediluvian beasts? The end of the world is coming near - what will you teach us? What is it anyway, the end? When? Why? What sense does it make? A road movie, philosophy, crafts, love and death.
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