Jacek Nagłowski


Jacek Nagłowski

producer, director, script writer

Monk of the Sea

Monk of the Sea

Thailand. A young man in his thirties leads a very entertaining life full of parties. One day, just like 70% of men in his country, he decides to become a short-term monk. Ball has two weeks to find his peace.
Far from the City

Far from the City

A group of boys stays in the countryside for the summer, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Bored, they spend time talking about their future adult life and make a film. It brings back the memories of…


Zofia Kulik has fulfilled her dream: her work, an autobiography “Splendour of Myself” was exhibited next to the Rembrandt´s paintings during the famous exhibition Documenta XII in Kassel. She is at the top of her…
La Machina

La Machina

Somewhere in the South of France a boy and an older man live: Sergio – a Master Dollmaker and Adrien – his disciple. They will begin their journey for the first time this summer. They will meet cheerful and fascinating…
The Last Day of Summer

The Last Day of Summer

Almost everyone would like to turn back the hand of time and once again become a child. Why do we come back to those years with such nostalgia? When does the childhood end and when does the adulthood start ? What do we…


It is late summer of 2006. Within the last few weeks, Dimitri and Tatiana, last herdsmen alive in the Taiga, have lost their reindeer, which were killed by wolves. This misfortune is going to force them to leave their…
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