Jan Gebert

Czech Republic

Jan Gebert

director, producer

Father David

The documentary Father David portraits a spiritual man with his dangerous earthly desires. It explores the human condition of a religious superstar whose material ambitions made him risk his reputation and liberty. Mexico City’s Santa Martha Acatitla prison is home to the inmates with the heaviest criminal record. Father David, former soldier and a self-appointed leader of the Santa Muerte (Holy Death) cult was charged of kidnapping and extorting people and faces a sentence of 40 years in prison. As the violence in Mexico looms the new cult of the Santa Muerte is gaining unprecedented popularity. Around 5 million Mexican citizens, mostly the economically vulnerable sector of the Mexican society, now seek protection under the wings of the death angel. According to the police investigation Father David formed a criminal gang of nine devotees designed to kidnap and extort. Two federal deputies were among the victims. The police tagged Father David as the mastermind.
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