Oliver Malina Morgenstern

Czech Republic

Oliver Malina Morgenstern

director, producer, director of photography, editor, script writer

Year without Magor - Genius Cannot Be Faked

The film portraits the eventful life of Ivan Martin Jirous, called Magor, a Czech poet, journalist and art critic. Magor was known for working with the indie rock band Plastic People of the Universe. During normalization he was imprisoned five times for his political views. The documentary will include excerpts from Magor's poetry and views, featuring many of Jirous's family, friends and acquaintances - among others, Dáša Vokatá, Juliána Jirousová, Marta Veselá, Čuňas, Dana Němcová, Petruška Šustrová, Karel Schwarzenberg, Jiřina Šiklová, Eugen Brikcius, Ladislav Drápal Lábus, Jan Schneider, Vratislav Brabenec, Petr Placák, Andrej Krob, members of the Plastic People of the Universe - who supply facts and context to viewers of all generations. Ivan Martin Jirous, a genius living in difficult times, brings inspiration for everyday life even a year after his untimely death.

There Is No Justice on Earth

The life journey of Oldřich Stránský, writer and head of the Union of Liberated Political Prisoners and Their Bereaved, who has experienced all the regimes of the 20th century. He will speak about the First Republic, the onset of Nazism, concentration camps, liberation, resettlement of German inhabitants, the Communist coup, Czechoslovakia's help to Israel, the following executions of the Jews by the Communists, the Prague Spring, the occupation by the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, the Velvet Revolution and the compensation of forced labourers, the hiding of children deported to concentration camps as well as about contemporary neo-Nazism. His account will be worth listening to!

What the Heart Unites, the Sea Shall Not Divide

Feature partly animated documentary with the actor Pavel Kříž in front of the camera. It draws from the work of Jiří Voskovec, Jan Werich and Jaroslav Ježek, unforgettable actors, comedians, singers and authors of Liberated Theatre (Osvobozené divadlo). The story covers the time of their childhood, growing up and student friendship. Writing of their first theatre play – Vest Pocket Revue – and their first front piece, where they are joined by director Jaroslav Honzl and producer Josef Háša. Afterwards they have their first stage in Umělecká beseda where they perform plays Ubu the King (Král Ubu) and Suitcase (Kufr).

Fighters for the Western and Eastern Front

Ve jmenovaném dokumentárním filmu, díl druhý, se budeme zaobírat myšlenkou: Že ne vždy, když nasazuješ vlastní krk, za svoji vlast, se k tobě tvoje vlast zachová jako k hrdinovi. V mnoha případech, na které poukážeme tomu je právě naopak. Popravy, doživotní tresty a dlouhé žaláře jsou toho svědky v padesátých letech minulého století. Může to znít až neuvěřitelně, ale za komunistického režimu daleko víc trestů padlo pro bojovníky z Východní fronty, fakta jsou neúprosná. Obě fronty si nesly hluboké šrámy a strašlivé osudy lidí, které byly v režii StB, vojenského zpravodajství a nespravedlivých soudů vyneseny pro vojáky a důstojníky po druhé světové válce v bývalém Československu.
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