Marek Moučka


Marek Moučka


Ms. President

What challenges must a gentle, level-headed and progressive woman face when she assumes the presidency of a country with a post-socialist legacy and a long history of male rule?

In 2018, Slovak society was deeply shaken by the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová. This unprecedented event exposed corrupt Slovak politicians and officials working hand in hand with local oligarchs and mafia structures behind the scenes. The Slovak people reacted with justified anger. For a brief period, a wave of social activism emerged, uniting an otherwise divided society, rekindling people's desire for the rule of law and sparking their interest in politics. To date, more than 30 high-ranking officials have been charged with corruption and abuse of office, including former and current politicians, judges, law enforcement and tax officials, even figures such as the former police chief, chief prosecutor and governor of the central bank. It was in these turbulent circumstances that Zuzana Čaputová entered political life. A lawyer with a long history of civic activism, she made a name for herself fighting for environmental protection. A woman guided by a strong moral compass, influenced by Eastern philosophy and a desire for change, she decided to run for president of Slovakia. And in a conservative, male-dominated environment, she won by a landslide.

Ms President is a time-lapse documentary filmed over the course of five years, following Zuzana Čaputová's time in office. It captures her role as head of state and her role as partner and mother in her private life. We are with her as she decides on social events at the local and global level. She negotiates, writes speeches and faces pandemics. At the same time, she faces the problems of a divided Slovak society. She asks the question: How can I be the president of all citizens?

Parallel Space

What is it like to be completely independent? Is it even possible nowadays? Pavol, a 40 year old Slovak, lives a unique life. He doesn't belong anywhere, but he is everywhere. In the documentary Parallel Polis 2.0 we follow him in his ordinary life.
“Ordinary” which is not ordinary at all.
Director Martin Piga presents his “sci-fi” reality with an intimate, long-term observational approach. This documentary invites viewers to question societal conventions and have a glimpse of a different way of life through strong protagonists on this thought-provoking journey.
The film will combine the story of the past with the life of a visionary of today. The history is somehow repeating itself but one is dealing with it differently.
Let's explore the world of parallel structures that are evolving parallely with the world that we already know.
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