War is a story about a peacekeeper, who after having returned from a mission could not come to terms with his life anymore, with the life between the present and the eternity.
War and Peace of Private Lytvyn
This is a movie about war and peace, about the movement from life to death, about the fate of the main character in the broadest sense of the word.
War in Ukraine
A photographic journey from the first victims and funerals, to sunflower fields covered with human remains and the first major tank battle in Europe since WWII - what price does a witness of such events have to pay?
War Is Over
What happens to war zones after the spot-lights go off?
War on Women
A single mom goes on a global quest to reveal a network of organizations behind the recent rise of the ultra-conservative movement.
The War Reporter
Dokument zachycuje události, které se staly v roce 1991 během válečného konfliktu v Chorvatsku, který změnil životy všech obyvatel. Film se nezabývá historickou pravdou, ale postihuje osobní pravdu autora, který…
War Tourists
Hlavním tématem jsou znovukonané boje skupin v Evropě a pochopení perspektivy jejich aktivit. Máme hlavně zájem o to, jak prožívají tyto bitvy nemečtí účastníci. V Německu se nesmí nosit nacistické uniformy a nacistické…
Washed Ashore
Cross-media project which tells a story of a myth created around a sunken city and villages which was flooded in the 60s during the construction of the biggest artificial reservoir in Europe in Soviet-occupied Ukraine.