When Land Is Looking for Its Heaven
Príbeh jednej horehronskej obce cez osudy jej obyvateľov je reflexiou sociálnej a ekonomickej reality súčasného Slovenska a zároveň hľadaním zmyslu bytia či vzťahu k svojej zemi, ku svojím koreňom. Udržiavanie tradícií…
When Miki Says He’s Scared
Konečně známe jména lidí z písní Johnyho Štuliće. Nyní, díky režisérskému a scénáristickému duu Petrinović – Pletikos, fanouškům Azry a ctitelům Štulićova kultu, se můžeme seznámit s Mirnou, Čerou, Suzy F, Majou…
When Pigs Come
Dragoslava keeps collects archive materials of all major events in recent political history. She has lived in five countries so far, still she has never moved from her apartment.
When The Boat Goes Down
When The Boat Goes Down je dokumentární film o excentrickém kapitánovi z Aljašky, jehož život poznamenaly dva lodní vraky. Jeden z nich usmrtil 1150 vojáků, ten druhý pomalu zabíjí samotného kapitána.
When The Earth Seems To Be Light
This is a story of skaters, artists, musicians, in a post- Soviet country. A country in a distracted condition, where one can be crashed by the power of church and politics.
When the Wind Becomes Silent
The film tells the story of the extraordinary rivalry between two javelin throwers - Janusz Sidło form Poland and Egil Danielsen, a Norwegian. Their duels in the 1950s attracted crowds to the stadiums. The most…
When Yesterday Comes Again
8 teenagers in Russia dream about future and change in their lives, without any idea what lies ahead. The film's production began early in 2020 and wrapped on the brink of 2022: the year their future disappeared.
When You All Sleep, I'm Awake
Portrait of the Viennese singer-songwriter Bernhard Schnur, who achieved cult status in the 1990s with his indie pop band "Snakkerdu Densk". Several years after the band's breakup and a long-term creative hiatus, Schnur…