Latvian theatre actor Artūrs Skrastiņš who recently played Dr. Frankenstein goes undercover as a potential immortality client on an existential yet hysterical journey to uncover the business of eternal life in the world of today. Creating a character who desperately holds to his life, he approaches various people, projects and experiments that promise to escape death and live infinitely or at least for much longer than nature has planned. His journey reveals giant refrigerators in a village near Moscow where 67 frozen corpses of Kriorus company are held to be de-frozen sometimes in the next few hundred years or Nectome lab in the US that pumps out human brains to upload them into a supercomputer (a "100% fatal" service). While meeting characters who range from crazy futurologists to crafty "death" businessmen, Artūrs is gradually discovering that his role becomes his personal obsession. Still one thing still remains for him to be solved - the choice between two incompatible worldviews. First - the idea of the world of technology and modern innovations that makes us dream of becoming immortal or second - the revelation of the overpopulated world, climate change and self-destructive sentiments, in which the concept of immortality becomes meaningless. Balancing between existential road movie and humorous science fiction, Frankenstein 2.0 will remind us of modern man's cravings not to give up this world for future generations, but to become its undying super-human.

20. 1. 2025
Czech Docs: Coming Soon vybrané projekty
Co je nového na poli českého dokumentárního filmu a na co se můžeme v budoucnu těšit? Pět připravovaných českých celovečerních dokumentů bude představeno v pondělí 17. března od 17:30 v Kině 35 (Francouzský institut v Praze) během East Doc Platform 2025.
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17. 11. 2021
True Story, epizoda 21: Davis Simanis
Třetí řada naší podcastové série True Story je tady! Lotyšský filmař Davis Simanis mluví o svém připravovaném filmu Death of Death, který byl představen na IDFA Foru 2021, řeč je také o jeho filmech Neklidná hranice a Escaping Riga.
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