Prague, July 2018. Fifteen thousand women and men of all generations gather together in one place to give a mass gymnastics performance. They all belong to Sokol, an apolitical movement established in the 19th century to foster self-development within a democratic community.
We follow the participants of this huge endeavor with all their failures and victories. As the date of the show approaches, the participants feel more and more pressure, which leads to many intense situations. A human comedy that tells a lot about the society we live in today.
We follow the participants of this huge endeavor with all their failures and victories. As the date of the show approaches, the participants feel more and more pressure, which leads to many intense situations. A human comedy that tells a lot about the society we live in today.
24. 11. 2021
KineDok uvede online Na značky a Acasu + diskuze
KineDok zve na online projekce filmů Na značky! slovenské režisérky Márii Pinčíkové (od 2. 12.) a Acasa, můj domov Rady Ciorniciuce (od 9. 12.). K oběma filmům jsou připraveny diskuze. Vše je zdarma.
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5. 2. 2020
EDP 2020: Návštěvníci, Šaman proti Putinovi i Veletrh bydlení
Projekty představené na pitchingu East Doc Forum a během schůzek na East Doc Marketu jsou nedílnou součástí 9. ročníku East Doc Platform, který se uskuteční v Praze od 7. do 13. 3.
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