Even a short gaze into Lula's eyes reveals a volcano of energy, which lies hidden behind his aging body.
In 1970s communist Poland, Lula was known for organizing subversive, underground parties. After curfew, in private apartments, he and his ever-growing group of friends felt liberated from the correctness required of everyone in the People's Republic of Poland. Lula had ideas, was a leader.
His inner energy and persistence may have saved him from a fate that Maciek, his closest friend, unfortunately met. Maciek's suicide left Lula in pain and mourning. However, knowing that remaining active is the only thing that can save him from growing bitter and stagnant, he decided to move on.
Lula was born in the late 1930s. He was a child during wartime, an openly gay man in communist Poland and an active drag queen in a homophobic country. Now, he is an old man in a youth-oriented world. It seems that he has always been a misfit, yet he managed to survive without becoming a cynic.
In order to get to know himself again and find his place in the world, Lula has to face the way he is perceived by himself and by others.
In an attempt to escape loneliness, he visits a friend living in a resort for seniors. It takes a lot of convincing to get her to go out dancing. At the club, Lula discovers that his energy level exceeds that of his peers.
Next, he attempts to return to the days of his youth. Him and his new friends, 50 years his junior, visit Berlin to attend a parade. There, balloons and glitter in the air, Lula is rid of all problems, at least for a while. Still, it does not make him feel like himself. His friend Damian (30) does everything in his power to make Lula feel good, but the generation gap becomes apparent once Lula's body cannot keep up with the youths.
Looking for connections and intimacy, Lula embarks on a journey that brings romantic sadness and carefree joy. In the course of the film, he discovers that being a dreamer is both a blessing and a curse.
In 1970s communist Poland, Lula was known for organizing subversive, underground parties. After curfew, in private apartments, he and his ever-growing group of friends felt liberated from the correctness required of everyone in the People's Republic of Poland. Lula had ideas, was a leader.
His inner energy and persistence may have saved him from a fate that Maciek, his closest friend, unfortunately met. Maciek's suicide left Lula in pain and mourning. However, knowing that remaining active is the only thing that can save him from growing bitter and stagnant, he decided to move on.
Lula was born in the late 1930s. He was a child during wartime, an openly gay man in communist Poland and an active drag queen in a homophobic country. Now, he is an old man in a youth-oriented world. It seems that he has always been a misfit, yet he managed to survive without becoming a cynic.
In order to get to know himself again and find his place in the world, Lula has to face the way he is perceived by himself and by others.
In an attempt to escape loneliness, he visits a friend living in a resort for seniors. It takes a lot of convincing to get her to go out dancing. At the club, Lula discovers that his energy level exceeds that of his peers.
Next, he attempts to return to the days of his youth. Him and his new friends, 50 years his junior, visit Berlin to attend a parade. There, balloons and glitter in the air, Lula is rid of all problems, at least for a while. Still, it does not make him feel like himself. His friend Damian (30) does everything in his power to make Lula feel good, but the generation gap becomes apparent once Lula's body cannot keep up with the youths.
Looking for connections and intimacy, Lula embarks on a journey that brings romantic sadness and carefree joy. In the course of the film, he discovers that being a dreamer is both a blessing and a curse.

22. 11. 2022
Tvůrčí dialog: Boylesque (30. 11.)
Ve středu 30. listopadu si v 18:00 nenechte ujít Tvůrčí dialog: Boylesque s režisérkou Bognou Kowalczyk, producentkou Katarzynou Kuczyńskou a lektorkou Ivanou Pauerovou Miloševičovou.
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