They were everywhere, though they tried to be invisible. Filming from hiding in restaurants, on the street, in shops. They registered illegal bottling of regulated fuel, lovers meeting in the hotel. They wiretapped phone calls with a man living abroad, during which Poles placed orders for hemorrhoid ointment. They filmed interviews during which, through blackmail, they carried out the process of breaking a detainee to persuade them to cooperate. Another time, they interrogated a woman from whom they required detailed billing of household expenses, including the type of meat and the number of butter cubes used. ‘An Ordinary Country’ is a found footage creative documentary based on film and videotapes recorded by officers of the Polish communist security services in the 60s through the 80s.

28. 7. 2021
Druhá řada True Story se blíží!
True Story je série rozhovorů zaměřená na aktuální dokumentární filmy střední a východní Evropy. S jejich tvůrci a tvůrkyněmi hovoří Ivona Remundová a Nicole J. Adelman. První řada přinesla deset rozhovorů a již brzy se můžete těšit na druhou řadu!
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2. 1. 2021
True Story, epizoda 8: An Ordinary Country
Nicole J. Adelman hovoří s Tomaszem Wolskim o jeho filmu An Ordinary Country (Zwyczajny kraj), který sestavil ze záběrů a nahrávek získaných z archivů polské tajné služby.
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