In the early 90’s, women left Moldova in large numbers to provide for their families. Unable to return home, they found a peculiar way to stay in touch: sending large cardboard boxes filled with gifts and food you could only dream about in those days. In return, their children would send videotapes. This exchange became a ritual among thousands of families. Video cameras and presents allowed these mothers and children to share glimpses of their realities while being apart.
Through these intimate private archives, Otilia Babara depicts the fragility of family bonds through the eyes of a generation of mothers and daughters who were forced to live apart in order to survive. While doing so, she portrays a post-soviet country caught in a crossroads of history. A country whose women were unwittingly put in charge of making the transition from communism to capitalism.
Through these intimate private archives, Otilia Babara depicts the fragility of family bonds through the eyes of a generation of mothers and daughters who were forced to live apart in order to survive. While doing so, she portrays a post-soviet country caught in a crossroads of history. A country whose women were unwittingly put in charge of making the transition from communism to capitalism.
29. 11. 2022
Záznam diskuze o filmu Láska není pomeranč
Pusťte si záznam diskuze s režisérkou Otilií Babarou, producentkou Hanne Phlypo a střihačem Pierpaolem Filomenem o filmu Láska není pomeranč, který vyhrál cenu Silver Eye 2022. Diskuzi moderovala Natalia Imaz.
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21. 11. 2022
Přepisování příběhu: Případová studie Láska není pomeranč (23. 11.)
Ve středu 23. listopadu v 18:00 se můžete těšit na online diskuzi s režisérkou Otilií Babarou, producentkou Hanne Phlypo a střihačem Pierpaolem Filomenem. Moderace se ujme Natalia Imaz.
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29. 10. 2022
Ceny Silver Eye 2022 mají Láska není pomeranč a Avitaminóza
Ceny Silver Eye, které IDF tradičně uděluje na MFDF Ji.hlava nejlepším filmům trhu East Silver, získaly v celovečerní kategorii Láska není pomeranč a v krátkometrážní Avitaminóza. Zvláštní uznání má celovečerní film Plai. Horská stezka.
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