6x52 min

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Forever Young


Režie: Đuro Gavran


Documentary serial about once famous (and less famous) Yugoslav athletes, today in their golden years. The title, quoted from the iconic song, works as plain truth because it refers to a youthful spirit that knows no obstacles. That’s why this serial aims to pay tribute to optimism, zeal, eternal youth and, of course, sport which overcomes age and state borders. Over several decades in the former state, we eagerly followed different athletes before our TV screens, cheered for them, and in a way lived with them. Where are they today, how do they live, what do they do and, most importantly, what sport do they do now?
The serial is divided into six 52-minute episodes. The aim is to get to know the daily life of people we used to watch on stadiums and TV screens entertainingly. Many of them are neglected by the community and are now fighting for their new place in society – they lack institutional support and infrastructure, but they are constantly searching for ways to overcome these obstacles. Some of them still, in their own way, pursue the activities that brought them fame, and others find themselves in new sports. However, what they all have in common is that they use sport as an answer to big questions in life – how to remain enthusiastic and optimistic, how to find a place under the sun in a society that perceives senior citizens as a marginalised passive mass. Apart from their daily life, we follow archive images and photo collages to relive forgotten moments and learn from our protagonists what has changed in sports and the world since these ancient days. At the same time, we also give room to ‘small’ sports, openly ignoring football which was amply covered in the media in the former state. The current concept of this serial covers tennis, basketball, gymnastics, martial arts and winter sports, and a special episode is dedicated to amateurs. Composing a tapestry of stories, memories and current events, we breathe new life into an unjustly forgotten world.
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