90 min

V postprodukci

Bigger than Trauma

Veće od Traume

Režie: Vedrana Pribačić


Women whose families were killed in Croatian war for independence; who were tortured and raped but survived kept silent for 25 years.
Despite all that and the fact that they still live in the vicinity to their abusers- former friends and schoolmates, these women are getting their power back.
For 3 years the film follows 3 women connecting with their deepest truths during the strengthening program, but also in their homes, villages and cities where they live.

Mary feels she doesn't deserve to be free;
For Kate any change is very scary;
Ana describes herself as a little lonely duckling that doesn't belong anywhere.

Today, the discovery of who they could be without the trauma they're identified with, is changing their life and relations.



Online projekce + diskuze: Víc než trauma
27. 10. 2023

Online projekce + diskuze: Víc než trauma

Druhá z online akcí KineDoku je tu. Od 8. do 14. listopadu můžete sledovat dokument Víc než trauma o hlubokých ranách, které na civilistkách a civilistech zanechala válka v Jugoslávii. V pondělí 13. listopadu se také k filmu bude konat online diskuze.
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