86 min

V postprodukci

A Year of Endless Days

Godina prođe, dan nikako

Režie: Renata Lučić


A Year of endless days follows two men from Slavonia, Croatia. Tomislav and Joso are in their 50s and we find them living without their wives. Mostly in search of means for a better life, these women went to work abroad a few years ago. Abroad, they found new partners and moved there permanently. They are still married to their wives, but the marriage is realized only on paper. We are introduced to the film by the director who is also the narrator and the protagonists of the film. Throughout the film we also follow three narrative threads of the protagonists - Tomislav meeting his new friend Snježana, Joso trying to make peace with his wife’s recent passing away, and the director getting the answers that were the reason for making of this film.


Cenu East Doc Platform má chystaný film o ekologické devastaci lagun
18. 3. 2021

Cenu East Doc Platform má chystaný film o ekologické devastaci lagun

Ukrajinský projekt Laguny. Bitva o ráj Serhije Lysenka získal Cenu East Doc Platform 2021 a rovněž Cenu Current Time TV. 72 hodin běloruské filmařky Anny Savčenko má Koprodukční cenu České televize. Uspěly také české projekty.
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Představujeme 12 projektů workshopu Ex Oriente Film 2020
1. 6. 2020

Představujeme 12 projektů workshopu Ex Oriente Film 2020

Institut dokumentárního filmu představuje 12 dokumentárních projektů, které byly vybrány do 18. ročníku workshopu Ex Oriente Film z rekordního počtu 108 přihlášených projektů.
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