Lucio Mollica

Lucio Mollica

režie, producent, spisovatel

Born in 1980, Lucio Mollica is an award-winning documentary director and producer.
Lucio graduated in Media Studies in Bologna and is currently a producer at LOOKSfilm in Berlin.
In the early years of his career, Lucio created video installations for museums in the USA before developing a passion for documentaries. Since 2009, Lucio wrote and directed more than 20 historical and political films, broadcast internationally by channels including PBS, ARTE, ZDF SBS, Al Jazeera, SVT, History Channel and DR.
His most recent works include the series "Munich 72. Terror at the games", “Afghanistan. The Wounded Land” (winner of Grimme Preis, 2021; Rose d´Or nominated) and “A War on Trial. Justice for Ex Yugoslavia” (Grimme Preis and DAfF nominated, 2022) as well as one-off documentaries such as "Behind the Altar" and "I Want my country back" (Winner of Best Film and Jury Award at the History Film Festival, 2021).
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