Vanja Jambrovic


Vanja Jambrovic




Babajanja is a short essay documentary with horror elements. Going back to the past, the narrator is trying to find the mysterious woman he was scared of as a boy. Rummaging across his memories, dreams and forgotten…
Museum of the Revolution

Museum of the Revolution

A fable about a little girl, an old lady, and an abandoned utopian project set for demolition.


Plants such as Dracaena, Ficus, and Philodendron were integral parts of the socialist modernist architecture in the seventies and eighties. Today, they remain strong visual reminders of the socialist state.


Srbenka is a film about peer violence toward children of different nationality in Croatia. It examines how the generation born after the war copes with the dark shadows of history.


Spatiotemporal relations in a Mediterranean city in which the role of city’s public spaces in people’s lives varies greatly, depending on the season of the year.


For whom is harder, for the ones who want to leave us or for the ones who stay?
Islands of Forgotten Cinemas

Islands of Forgotten Cinemas

A poetic documentary about the lost film culture in the small villages on the Croatian islands.
Ana Square

Ana Square

For already 40 years, without a single day of rest, Ana has been coming in front of the city church to sell the religious calendars and rosaries; in sun, in snow, in rain, on Sundays and holidays.
Mafian Lásky

Mafian Lásky

Gangster of Love je dokumentární komedie. Nedjeljko Babic je dohazovač. Před 25 lety nechal své práce truhláře, aby se mohl věnovat nové profesi - dává dohromady opuštěné muže a ženy. Díky svým schopnostem a přezdívce…
Sůl, olivy, kámen

Sůl, olivy, kámen

Přecházející turisti. Nervózní řidiči ve čtyřiceti stupňových vedrech. Spousta těl na pláži. Hluk a odpadky. Chorvatsko – země dovolených v sezónní špičce připravena zneužít všechny možnosti pro rychlý zisk… Jen pár…
Don Juanové: Promiňte, slečno

Don Juanové: Promiňte, slečno

Základní výpravěcí linií tohoto dokumentuje je poněkud neobvyklý kurz, který se koná v Záhřebu. Jeho cílem je naučit jeho účastníky, jak svést ženu a dostat ji do postele. Tento dokument sleduje obavy, malé úspěchy a…
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