Peter Kerekes


Peter Kerekes

producent, režie

Český Pepík jede do Polska poznat lásku k Bohu

Uprostřed Evropy vedle sebe existují dva národy, které si jsou v mnohém blízké a přitom tak vzdálené. Češi - programoví bezvěrci a Poláci, kteří se rodí jako zaregistrovaní katolíci. Češi nevěřícně kroutí hlavou nad polskou oddaností kostelu a Poláci zas lehce opovrhují tím, že v Čechách žijeme bez Boha. 
V této situaci vyráží český štáb filmových dokumentaristů na letní pouť po Polsku, aby s kamerou v ruce vyšetřil, jak to s tím “českým v. polským Bohem” je.

Wishing on a Star

Mezi lidmi, kteří otevřeně vyznávají moc astrologie, jsou i tací, kteří věří, že narozeninová cesta na určité místo dokáže zcela změnit jejich život. Za výběrem destinací pro skupinu narozeninových cestovatelů stojí neapolská astroložka Luciana de Leoni d’Asparedo.


The director of the movie gets possessed by Moose, the ancient animal totem. She sets out on a journey searching for an answer to why it happened. She follows similarly moose-possessed (“amoosed”) people around the world. Her odyssey lasts for 7 years and takes her from rare Czech moose to Russian moose domestication attempts through Swedish moose living in people’s households to remote indigenous Canada. It turns out that it was Hana’s ancestors who led her to meet the Mikmaq first nation, who see the moose as their sacred spirit animal and who have an important message for Hana as well.

Obnažené vztahy

The family of “TASCHEN photographer” Vlastimil Kula is living proof that modern society needs to address the transgenerational transmission of trauma. Modern psychology might classify Vlastimil’s father as a disconnected man, he was unable to instill in Vlastimil a sense of security and confidence. As a result, Vlastimil often failed as a father, husband, and partner.

His daughter, professional film editor, Blanka might as well have continued the transmission of trauma to her children. But she decided to take a different path. She has been successfully undergoing therapy for years.

In addition, she decided to make a film about her relationship with father, becoming the narrator and guide on her own therapeutic and film journey. Now, Blanka is returning with a professional film crew and is ready to confront her father about his absence during her childhood, adolescence, and adult life. Both protagonists thus enter a special meditative state similar to family therapy. In their meetings, both return to their childhoods and examine life from surprising perspectives.

The narration follows Blanka as she visits her father over the years 2020 - 2024. She goes trough dramatical ups and downs realising it’s always better to address deep problems rather than to push them aside, causing emotional injury to yourself or to transfer the trauma to next generation.
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