Peter Kerekes


Peter Kerekes

producent, režie

Český Pepík jede do Polska poznat lásku k Bohu

Uprostřed Evropy vedle sebe existují dva národy, které si jsou v mnohém blízké a přitom tak vzdálené. Češi - programoví bezvěrci a Poláci, kteří se rodí jako zaregistrovaní katolíci. Češi nevěřícně kroutí hlavou nad polskou oddaností kostelu a Poláci zas lehce opovrhují tím, že v Čechách žijeme bez Boha. 
V této situaci vyráží český štáb filmových dokumentaristů na letní pouť po Polsku, aby s kamerou v ruce vyšetřil, jak to s tím “českým v. polským Bohem” je.

Wishing on a Star

Mezi lidmi, kteří otevřeně vyznávají moc astrologie, jsou i tací, kteří věří, že narozeninová cesta na určité místo dokáže zcela změnit jejich život. Za výběrem destinací pro skupinu narozeninových cestovatelů stojí neapolská astroložka Luciana de Leoni d’Asparedo.


A legend of Canada’s First Nation of Mi’kmaq says that Moose once came to men and made a deal on under what conditions it would dedicate its meat to humans. As the Mi’kmaq representatives guide us through Amoosed! we get to understand why humans have lost the trust of moose (and nature) and how they can regain it.

Six different people in different countries have changed their way of perceiving nature after they have encountered Moose. Initially, they all wanted to control or abuse them, but ended up changed by them. Can a single species change the overall sensitivity about nature and twist the current future we are heading towards? Are we allowed to interfere with the lives of others, even animals, and to what extend?

Sasha, the farmer at the Russian moose domestication station in Kostroma protects moose and only wishes for them to be free, but the calves are still taken away from their moose mothers at the farm. Moose are dying of malnutrition in Czech zoos while the experts on moose, who have never seen one live, describe how many years on average moose live and what kind of thousands of herbs they need in their daily menu. Then there are the bizarre Swedish owners of moose safaris who, although they love moose, keep them in captivity and show them to tourists.

As Mi'kmaqs slowly succeed in reclaiming their territories and rights, moose are succeeding in persuading us that we, humans, belong to the ecosystem, and we are all one inseparable whole with nature.
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