Vyberte aktivitu

Ex Oriente Film East Silver East Doc Platform KineDok East Doc Series Ex Oriente Series Český dokument

Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Karavana

Silver Eye

Cena Silver Eye

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

East Doc Forum

East Doc Interactive

East Doc Market


Co-Production Booster


East Doc Series

Ex Oriente Series

Český dokument

Panel připravovaných českých dokumentárních filmů

Katalog českých připravovaných dokumentárních filmů

Večer s českým dokumentem

Vyberte aktivitu

Ex Oriente Film East Silver East Doc Platform KineDok East Doc Series Ex Oriente Series Český dokument

Ex Oriente Film

3rd Ex Oriente Film Session: Market, Here I Am!

2nd Ex Oriente Film Session: Production and Story Development

1st Ex Oriente Film Session: Find Your Way – Vision, Space and Storytelling

Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up

Knowledge Lab

East Silver

East Silver Karavana

Silver Eye

Cena Silver Eye

Czech Docs: Ready to Go

East Silver Market

East Doc Platform

Czech Docs: Coming Soon

East Doc Forum

East Doc Interactive

East Doc Market


Co-Production Booster


East Doc Series

Ex Oriente Series

Český dokument

Panel připravovaných českých dokumentárních filmů

Katalog českých připravovaných dokumentárních filmů

Večer s českým dokumentem

Severní Makedonie

Flipbook Film Festival

Flipbook Film Festival is an annual cultural event devoted specifically for animated films made by European authors. The Festival comprises screenings of the latest works of the European animated production, exhibitions of various artists, masterclasses,…

DocPoint Helsinki Documentary Film Festival

DocPoint je největší festival dokumentárního filmu v oblasti Skandinávie. V samotném Finsku je to pak jediný festival, který se věnuje výhradně dokumentu. V roce 2010 DocPoint expandoval do Tallinnu, čímž se stal jediným festivalem na světě, který se…

Uni-Solo Studio

UNI-SOLO Studio was created in 2015 by a director and screenwriter Jarek Wszędybył and a producer and cultural project manager Karolina Śmigiel thanks to their shared passion for film and social and educational activities. It all started with Jarek’s…
Jižní Korea

BIFAN - Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival

The Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN), which launched in 1997, is the representative cultural festival of Bucheon, a UNESCO creative city of literature. Works by master filmmakers such as Peter JACKSON, Christopher NOLAN, Darren…

Festiwal Młodzi i Film

The Young and Film Festival is the oldest festival in Poland at which only debuts can be seen. The Young and Film Festival is the oldest festival in Poland at which only debuts can be seen. Debuts have been made in Koszalin by Krzysztof Zanussi,…

Split Screen

Split Screen - a sales company with main focus on documentary films, features and tv series. We are looking for films with exquisite usage of film language, intriguing characters and thought-provoking topics.

Two River Sides Film & Art Festival

Two Riversides Film and Art Festival is a unique artistic and cultural project destined for the enthusiasts of cinema and dedicated to the art of cinema and other forms of art which contribute to artistic films: literature, music, theatre and visual arts…
Jižní Korea

Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival

As an International film festival for young generation, BIKY hosts and serves as the hub of the children film festival 's network in the world. In the belief that movies are not just for watching, we continue to work and develop various experiences and…
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